My friend, Ian Dawson, of Success Motivation, Inc., has just started a blog, in addition to all he is already doing to maximize his potential and the potential of those around him.
The following is taken from his blog:
Meet our Founder:

One of the most acclaimed and widely-read authors of all time, Meyer has over 50 million copies of his work in print and recordings, including numerous articles in national magazines and journals. He has been quoted and featured by more than 150 authors in their own books, and several books have been written about him and published in other languages, including The Story of Paul J. Meyer. The most recent book about him, Paul J. Meyer and the Art of Giving, illustrates Meyer's principles for success and significance in all areas of life.
The success practices Mr. Meyer presents in his SMI programs are based on his and his family's experiences in establishing more than 40 businesses worldwide. Paul J. Meyer's global business ventures and personal expertise have earned him recognition as one of the most outstanding authorities in the fields of goal setting, personal success, sales, and management development. Mr. Meyer's programs and courses have empowered millions of individuals to greater achievements, fulfilling the SMI vision of "motivating people to their full potential." ®