Norma T. Hollis, America’s Leading Authentic Voice Doctor®, is a personal development guru with an authenticity alignment system. Along with her team of authenticity experts, Norma can assist you to raise your level of contentment and put you on the path to greater productivity, happiness and financial rewards. They will diagnose your authenticity issues then prescribe and administer the formula that will help you raise your level of authenticity and success.
Norma T. has created a family of services to assist individuals, corporations and educational institutions experience greater success. The key is Authenticity – being sincere, honest, trustworthy, real, caring for others and generally living a more satisfying and rewarding life. Authenticity resonates with the deepest part of your being and reflects your passion for your core values. It’s your natural style that utilizes your natural gifts and talents and shares them with the world.
When you apply authenticity to career, wellness, communication, leadership, and life, you create a world that others embrace and want to be a part of. As a result individuals and organizations attract customers, friends, associates and opportunities that connect with their authentic success.
After 30 years of authenticity research, Norma has developed programs and services that have catapulted individuals to higher levels of success and effectiveness. If you are seeking greater productivity, greater career success, a greater quality of life or a more authentic workplace, it’s within your reach.
Whether through keynotes, half-day workshops, multi-day seminars or coaching programs, Norma T. Hollis’ transformative presentations are designed to challenge management, staff and entrepreneurs to create Authenticity within themselves and their organizations.
Norma has helped hundreds of individuals discover their ‘authentic’ voices resulting in greater communication effectiveness. After 11 years of authenticity research, Norma created a unique diagnostic tool that measures personal authenticity and identifies critical communication gaps.
Understanding this challenging topic requires a speaker who is cutting-edge, thought-provoking, informative and compelling.
Norma T. Hollis possesses these abilities, resulting in powerful and transforming events. Combining her warm, engaging style with fun techniques and memorable metaphors, Norma will show your group how to:
• Create an Authentic workplace where genuineness and originality is rewarded
• Use Authenticity to sell products and services consumers actually want to buy
• Counteract stereotypical corporate attitudes and information hindering productivity
• Measure Authenticity success against traditional business goals