Meet Ms Amy M. Yelk, of Mesa, Arizona. "Being born and raised on a dairy farm in Waterloo, Wisconsin," Amy readily admits, "has definitely given me knowledge that most city kids never got. While most kids were out partying and getting into trouble, I found myself working and helping out on the family's farm every moment I wasn't eating, sleeping, or having to do homework for school. I enjoyed every moment of it though, except for the part where I didn't get paid."
Amy has enjoyed working full time since the age of 12 because she could do many different things and get paid for working. By the time Amy graduated high school at age 17, she had enough money saved up to pay for college, on her own.
From that background and entrepreneurial spirit come the enthusiastic professional of today - nationally certified in Hypnotherapy, Time Line Therapy, and NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), powerful techniques that allow the unconscious mind to reprogram its thoughts to make new and best-suited patterns in life immediately.
Learn more about Amy by contacting her at: