Why? Because Debbie has discovered a fresh and exciting way to make money from home . . . right from the safety of your home and the comfort of your computer!
One reason this opportunity is so extraordinary is because the product literally appeals to everyone . . . and in just a few minutes you'll see why!
Debbie is pleased to introduce you to the new web based Contact Management System and Automated Greeting Card Service from the first company in history to offer greeting cards through Network Marketing.
Her company announced in December, 2005 that sales in 2005 increased 500% over sales in 2004 - and that based on sales in 2004 and 2005 it is expecting 10 times the growth in 2006. That is 1000% growth in 2006!
Who wouldn't want to be a part of that?
You don't need to have any Internet marketing experience and she'll train and coach you!
The concept of the automated greeting card system is simple and brilliant, offering a quick and inexpensive way to send more greeting cards to customers, clients, family and friends. Whether you're in the habit of sending greeting cards through the mail or not, this system is perfect for you as a beginner or as a pro!
Let Debbie show you how to use this web-based contact management system and automated greeting card system to send real greeting cards in the mail with a real stamp - in your own handwriting and with your own signature.
- Choose from among 3000 cards that can be sent either as a postcard or a greeting card.
- Upload pictures that are printed into the cards.
- Include a gift card or a check in the greeting cards.
- Personalize the cards in your own handwriting and signature.
Debbie is literally helping to change the world through the power of greeting cards.
Why wait? Now's the time to join!
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